Frequently Asked Questions
If you can’t find an answer to your question here our friendly team of advisors are available to answer your queries, please call 01708 855 777.
What is Door Finger Protector®?
How does the Door Finger Protector® work?
Will your product still work if I have an unusually large door?
Why should I purchase Door Finger Protector?
Can Door Finger Protector® fit onto non-standard doors?
Can Door Finger Protector® be fitted to PVCu doors?
What colours are available for Door Finger Protector®?
Door Finger Protector® is available in four colours: White, Beech, Grey and Mahogany
Colour swatches are available upon request. Please call us on 01708 855 777
What are the RAL colours for Door Finger Protector®?
White RAL 9003
Beech RAL 8001
Grey RAL 7024
Mahogany RAL 8017
Colour swatches are available upon request. Please call us on 01708 855 777
Can Door Finger Protector® shields be painted?
Should you want to create a colour to match your decorations, simply apply two coats of eggshell paint by roller brush.
Why is an appropriate risk assessment crucial?
The Children’s Charter Standard defines all the issues that need to be considered when assessing establishments for door finger entrapment and fire door integrity. This is contributing hugely towards eradicating the misery of disabling injuries presented by closing doors.
Unsuitable safety measures leave people at risk of injury and worse still if fire doors are allowed to become impeded by incorrectly fitted or unsuitable shields. In addition, a door’s fire rating integrity could be compromised through the use of perforating fixings.
Who should I get to carry out a risk assessment?
A risk assessment needs to be carried out by a competent (qualified) Health and Safety Advisor who is additionally a Children’s Charter accredited door safety specialist. It has been proven that anything less is likely to lead to injury, liability and wasted investment.
Contact Safety Assured on 01708 855 777 to discuss your requirements and we will make an appointment to visit at a time to suit you.
What is Children’s Charter Door Safety Standard?
Good Health and safety advisors usually recognise that although they are qualified to advise, they are not specialist in the field of door safety. Because of this factor avoidable injury to children has continued. To reduce risk and injury, Children’s Charter (a community interest company) evolved a Door Safety Standard to help those ultimately responsible for safety to feel comfortable about meeting their duty of care through certified risk assessments, installation of appropriate products and after care that genuinely meets statutory UK requirements. The Standard also dictates that the risk assessment, installation and maintenance is to be carried out by competent persons. Children’s Charter co-ordinates door safety accreditation of risk assessors and safe products to their Standard based upon protecting the rights of children who rely upon adults making decisions to keep them safe.
Once installed, do I need to conduct further risk assessments?
To meet statutory requirements the shields should be checked regularly and risk assessed at least once a year. At this point the annual Children’s Charter compliance certification will be issued to the site to show that those responsible for the premises have taken every step needed to meet their duty of care.
What qualifications do your risk assessors and fitters have?
Safety Assured technicians are all NEBOSH qualified in occupational health and safety. Additionally they are specialists in door safety as they are accredited to the Children’s Charter Door Safety Standard.
Are all your members of staff DBS checked?
All Safety Assured technicians that conduct risk assessments and installation are DBS checked and carry identification with them at all times.
Does fitting have to take place outside of school/business hours so as not to interrupt class or trade?
Whatever the door our experienced fitters work quickly, tidily and efficiently causing you minimal disruption. As there are no nails or screws we can install without disrupting the class!
Do you install nationally?
Do you supply overseas?
What does your 10-year warranty include?
What are the benefits of your Careplan?
How much does UK delivery cost and how long does it take?
Can I pick up my order from your warehouse?
What is your complaints procedure?
The customer needs to make contact with the Safety Assured prior to the removal of the product, stating the nature of the complaint, evidence of when and where the product was purchased and who it was installed by. Initial photographic evidence of any alleged defect should be forwarded to
What is Fingers Count?
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Our annual Careplan™ will cover your statutory duty of care for peace of mind
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