01708 855 777
01708 855 777 info@safetyassured.co.uk

Safety Assured Limited takes care of you from start to finish children-charter-logowith a unique assessment, installation and maintenance service carried out by our expert door safety technicians in order to meet your duty of care.

To arrange a comprehensive site survey, contact us now on 01708 855 777

The Children’s Charter Code of Practice defines all the issues that need to be considered when assessing establishments for door finger entrapment and fire door integrity. This is contributing hugely towards eradicating the misery of disabling injuries presented by closing doors.

Unsuitable safety measures leave people at risk of injury and worse still, if fire doors are allowed to become impeded by incorrectly fitted or unsuitable shields, a door’s fire rating integrity could be compromised through the use of perforating fixings.

Children learn through play, therefore installing a shield that cannot fully protect their fingers from these significantly common causes of serious injury is unreasonable.

There are several products on the market which claim to stop finger entrapment but actually don’t. Many can be inadvertently imploded which defeats the object of fitting a product in the first place. The Children’s Charter Code of Practice draws attention to the fact that products when fitted need to be fit for purpose.

Nick Balmforth MBE raises this issue in a video that can be accessed here.

To arrange a site survey, contact us now on 01708 855 777

Safety Assured conforms to the statutory requirement based Children’s Charter Door Safety Standard / Code of Practice
To comply with UK Statutory Regulations we carry out:

Site Survey

We assess all doors on your premises using our own door safety specialists

Our technicians carry out installation to meet your statutory requirements

If you take out the Children’s Charter annual maintenance service plan, this will cover your statutory duty of care for peace of mind

10 year material warranty on Door Finger Protector® and best value guaranteed

To find out more and at starting prices from £9.95, please click below for our unique range

Finger Protector
Millenium Products
Children’s charter
Design Council Endorsed
Member British Safety Council
Construction lIne
Chamber Commerce